Mobile Redesign

I decided it was time to enhance my mobile Web site.  I decided to try using jQuery mobile as the framework for the revised site.  This should allow it to be cross platform.  Right now I only have Android to test with.  I have access to people with iPhone and iPod browsers, so I’ll test both of those as soon as I get a chance.

The new site has a menu and 4 pages.  There’s actually only one page with multiple pages embedded in it.  This makes switching pages faster, but increases the load time for the main page.  The 4 pages display: the current weather conditions, today’s station statistics, the NWS forecast for the station location, and the current Webcam image.  All the pages are dynamic and update on a scheduled basis.  I know I’ll continue to tweak the page layout and formatting.  But for now it is in good enough shape to release.

The URL is