Back From The Storm

I purchased a UPS for the weather station.  I plan to shut down the station this weekend for some maintenance.  One of the items will be to install the new UPS.  Another is to take apart and clean the rain gauge as I still don’t think it is registering correctly.  Hopefully I’ll make it to the hardware store and pick up some pins or long skinny bolts to help hold the PVC tubing together a little better.  I plan to drill holes where the fittings come together and insert bolts or pins to hold the parts together and keep them from turning.  During the last storm wind was able to turn some of the parts that were a force fit so that sensors were facing in the wrong direction or even upside down.  I could cement everything together, but I like the idea of having easily removeable and replaceable parts.  I’ll post another update after this weekend with what work I actually was able to accomplish and what is left for another weekend.

Also, I purchased a Raspberry Pi, whcih is a small ARM based embedded Linux computer on a board.  I’ve set up a webcam on it.  Depending on how it goes (I’m still experimenting) I may use this as my full time weather station webcam, replacing the current webcam setup.  That decision still remains to be made.  I’ll post an update with what I’ve accomplished in that department shortly.